Customers shopping with Bitcoin
Bitcoin is cash
for the internet
Send money instantly around the world without limits. No bank account or ID required.

Perfect for online and local stores, money transfers, donations, gifts and more.

Meet Bitcoin

Bitcoin is an easy way to pay online and in stores. Download a Bitcoin wallet to your phone or computer and start to send and receive money worldwide – no restrictions.

Bitcoin is a private, secure and accessible alternative to banking:

No application, ID or bank account required.
Lightning fast
Arrives instantly, settled in 10 minutes.
Low fees
Less than 50 cents for any amount.
No name or address required – just like cash.
No theft, chargebacks or counterfeits.
Free from uncontrolled money printing.
No country or corporation controls Bitcoin.
No third parties. You hold your money, not a bank.
No censorship
Money, transactions and users cannot be seized or censored.

Get started

Millions of people worldwide are already using Bitcoin to shop online and send money to friends and family. To get started, all you need is a desktop or mobile wallet:

Your wallet gives you a Bitcoin address, with which you can send and receive money, as well as check your balance. Pay with a click of a button – no technical skills required!

Bitcoin doesn't require any personal details, government ID or bank account, which makes Bitcoin a uniquely private and financially inclusive payment method.

Get Bitcoin

There are many ways to get Bitcoin:

Easily buy Bitcoin with cash, bank transfer, gift cards or gold. Trusted exchanges include: HodlHodl, LocalCryptos, AgoraDesk, Robosats and Bisq.
Visit a Bitcoin voucher vendor or Bitcoin ATM to buy Bitcoin locally with cash.
Find a job for Bitcoin – from microtasks and gigs to full-time jobs – with Microlancer, FreelanceForCoins and Jobs4Bitcoins.
Sell products in Bitcoin marketplaces such as Bitejo and BitcoinP2PMarketplace.
Mine Bitcoin with an ASIC miner.
Accept Bitcoin in your online or local business.

Easy step-by-step guides to buy Bitcoin with cash can be found at and

Spend Bitcoin

Bitcoin shopping cart

Hundreds of online and brick-and-mortar stores already accept Bitcoin. Check AcceptedHere, Cryptwerk and Lightning Network Stores to browse Bitcoin-friendly businesses, from electronics to restaurants, rentals and more.

Buy products from classifieds such as Bitejo, MirageSale and BitcoinP2PMarketplace, just like Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace.

You can also buy gift cards with Bitcoin from The Bitcoin Company, Bitrefill and CoinCards, which makes it possible to shop at Amazon, Ebay, Uber, McDonalds, Walmart, Apple and more. PayWithMoon and CoinDebit offer anonymous Visa gift cards for Bitcoin.

Personal shopping services like ProxyStore and Sovereign Stack Rerouter make it easy to buy any product with Bitcoin.

More businesses are choosing to accept Bitcoin every year, and are growing Bitcoin circular economies.

Accept Bitcoin in your business

Whether you have a brick-and-mortar business, online store, are a freelancer or a content creator, it's easy to accept Bitcoin payments.

Bitcoin is peer-to-peer digital cash, meaning your customers pay you directly. There is no third party, unlike Paypal, Visa or banking. Simply give your customers your Bitcoin address (for example, on a tablet in your store or in your Youtube channel's bio) and they can conveniently pay with a click of a button.

After receiving Bitcoin, you can exchange it to physical cash (e.g. via HodlHodl or a Bitcoin ATM), hold it as savings or buy products/services with Bitcoin.

While a simple Bitcoin address is enough to receive payments, Blockonomics offers a convenient payment gateway for online stores and BTCPayServer offers an all-in-one solution for online stores, physical points-of-sale and fundraisers.

If you choose to accept Bitcoin in your business, you can submit your business to directories such as AcceptedHere and Cryptwerk to find new Bitcoin-friendly customers.

How it works

Phone with mobile wallet

Bitcoin payments are ideal for both online and brick-and-mortar stores, restaurants, markets, taxis and more.

  1. The customer selects their products.
  2. The cashier calculates the total price.
  3. The cashier opens their Bitcoin wallet on a phone or tablet, clicks on "Receive" and enters the total price. A QR code is displayed.
  4. The customer scans the QR code with their mobile wallet and clicks on "Pay".
  5. The cashier receives a notification that the invoice has been paid and can view the funds in their wallet!

Join the community

Got questions or want to discuss Bitcoin? Join one of many Bitcoin-friendly communities, such as:



More resources to get started with Bitcoin:

Official website
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